Episode 3

Published on:

18th Apr 2020

#003: How is "Stay-at-Home" Affecting Our Relationship?

In this episode, Paul and Ali review how their plans from last episode went; what worked and what didn't work with having themselves and their 2 small kids home 24/7 and what needs to change for the up coming weeks.

In addition, they also discuss how this new "lifestyle" is affecting their relationship.

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Storybook by Scott Holmes is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.

Ukulele Whistle by Scott Holmes is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.

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Show artwork for UnCooked Conversations: Build A Thriving Family, Despite a Broken Past.

About the Podcast

UnCooked Conversations: Build A Thriving Family, Despite a Broken Past.
Build a thriving family despite broken backgrounds and modern anit-family culture.
Hi! We are Paul and Ali! We want to invite you to join us on UnCooked Conversations where you will think deeply about life. This podcast is a rich experience as our conversations about every day topics - such as parenting choices, work priorities and relationships - highlights and normalizes the simple yet complex nature of our human experience.
We are playful, authentic and honest with a good helping of deep philosophical thinking.